Certified Natural Light Blue Nephrite Jade Peace Buckle Pendant, 天然油膏膏极细且末蓝和田玉平安扣吊坠


Pendant Size: Diameter: 27.9mm, thickenss: 19.5mm
Weight: 26.15g
Rope chain is adjustable 26

Natural nephrite jade with an exceptionally fine internal structure that is nearly flawless—free from impurities, cracks, and cotton-like inclusions. This piece retains the distinctive internal structural characteristics unique to Qie mo jade. The Peace Buckle pendant is crafted from exceptionally oily, high-quality, and thick raw material, substantial enough to have created two pendants, showcasing its superior value and craftsmanship.

🌟gloss polished, high-quality jade becomes more lustrous and oily with wears

The circular shape of the jade donut represents unity, harmony, and balance. Wearing a jade donut pendant may symbolize the pursuit of equilibrium in various aspects of life, fostering a sense of completeness and interconnectedness.

天然极细,几乎完美品质,近乎无杂无裂无棉, 非常油润的且末浅蓝和田玉平安扣吊坠,极细料,比较难遇到的厚装扣子,厚度完全足够做两个扣子,这种饱满又厚实的扣子非常有质感。过眼过灯。 完全没有任何优化,
选用高品质的和田玉,玉质紧致,密度高,油性你上手就能感受到不同。 这款吊坠是品质特别好的。

有养身护体之效。 在现代,常为情人、亲人、朋友间互赠之物,取平安之意。 平安两字寓意明确,表达了人们朴素美好的愿望。 平安扣外圈是圆的,象征着辽阔天地混沌;内圈也是圆的,象征我们内心的平宁安远。

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