Pendant Size: Diameter: 31.3mm, thickenss: 9.5mm
Weight: 16.87g
Origin: Qiemo
Rope chain is adjustable
High-quality, exquisite Qiemo Warm White Nephrite Jade Peace Buckle Pendant. This natural Hetian jade piece from Qiemo showcases a smooth, oily texture, a dense and tight structure, and a flawless surface free from cracks, cottons, or visible impurties. This is already consider perfect in natural jade, but please do not expected it to be artifically perfect. Its perfection is remarkable, with no visible structures even under direct backlit strong light—a rare and highly valuable trait in natural nephrite jade.
Excellent and rare relentively big peace buckle! Common sizes are usually around 22-25mm, finding high-quality and near perfect pieces over 30mm is truly desirable.
It is well known that Peace Buckles cannot be made from inferior materials, which is why their prices remain consistently high.
Peace Buckles are intended for jade collectors who are knowledgeable about nephrite jade, not for beginners. Those unfamiliar with Hetian jade may find them small and expensive than other carving pendants, failing to appreciate the rarity and quality of the material.
🌟gloss polished, high-quality jade becomes more lustrous and oily with wears
The circular shape of the jade donut represents unity, harmony, and balance. Wearing a jade donut pendant may symbolize the pursuit of equilibrium in various aspects of life, fostering a sense of completeness and interconnectedness.
天然极细,几乎完美品质,近乎无杂无裂无棉, 非常油润的且末暖白和田玉平安扣吊坠,极细料,真正的过眼过灯。 完全没有任何优化,如果贴的非常近会有轻微针尖大小的矿点,请注意,如果没有任何玉石特征的料子只可能是2个情况,优化料或者人造料。 所以这已经算是达到完美品质的无任何雕刻修饰的平安扣。 不能接受任何天然特征的不要购买。 目前市场上常见的扣子都是22-25,30mm以上都属于品质好的大扣子
选用高品质的和田玉,玉质紧致,密度高,油性你上手就能感受到不同。 这款吊坠是品质特别好的。
有养身护体之效。 在现代,常为情人、亲人、朋友间互赠之物,取平安之意。 平安两字寓意明确,表达了人们朴素美好的愿望。 平安扣外圈是圆的,象征着辽阔天地混沌;内圈也是圆的,象征我们内心的平宁安远。