Natural Siberian Hetian Green Jade slight Chatoyant Bracelet with out iron spot,Beads are well selected!
Beads Size: app 7.5mm
For Wrist Size up to 6.5in
Number of Beads: 23
Bracelet Weight: 16g
Apple (Bright) green Siberian nephrite, smooth and oily, there are cat eye effects under some angles.
which makes it so unique and rare. bright rich green nephrite beads, with cat eye effects, nearly free of chrome inclusions,
do have waterlines, inner patterns that look like cracks, it's normal to see flat surface due to polishing process, see it as a whole,
it is a nice green nephrite bracelet. green nephrite is a expensive type of nephrite, it won't just throw away beads that has a bit of flaws,
please don't make purchase if you looking for flawless nephrite bracelet.
🌟Some sellers are using nephrite from other origins and falsely presenting it as Siberian Nephrite Jade.
🌟This particular type of nephrite is lack any genuine collectible value and cannot stand up to a comparison with true Siberian Nephrite
🌟This particular type of nephrite is characterized by its extremely low prices.
🌟Real Siberian Nephrite Jade should develop a richer, more oily over time.
🌟When you own a truly authentic piece of Siberian Nephrite Jade, you'll notice the absurdity of imitations.
🌟If these imitations are not natural but rather processed with chemicals, prolonged wearing could have significant adverse effects on
your skin.
俄料碧玉天然纹理像虎皮纹,颜色是很青春果绿色,不暗不黑,衬肤色. 天然碧玉无法避免天生微瑕,品质对应价位,这个手串密度纹路都具有特色,
**All my pictures are the picture of the actual product.
**Natural gemstones are created by nature, it can not be as perfect as artificial stones.
**If you love them, please love it's tiny little small flaws created by nature as well.
**The description of colors represents personal opinion only. Actual colors may vary depending on the product
**waterlines, cottons and flat surface are all common characteristics, it won't be perfect as artificial stones.